Un gand singuratic
duminică, 6 octombrie 2013
Melancolie de toamna.
Ploua. Picaturile de ploaie se izbesc cu putere de covorul de frunze moarte. Crengile uscate si ascutite ale copacilor ating cerul cel greu si plumburiu.
Pe strazile ude vezi doar cateva siluete imbracate in culori inchise, tinand o umbrela si grabindu-se spre casa.
In mijlocul acestor oameni grabiti se afla el. Un baiat inalt, cu parul auriu precum Soarele, cu ochii cenusii si pielea bronzata si stralucitoare. Imbracat doar cu in hanorac visiniu si cu o pereche de blugi negrii, taiati.
Sta singur in ploaie, neclintit, uitandu-se parca dupa cineva. Toti cei care trec grabiti se uita ciudat la el, sau dau peste el din greseala. Dar, cu toate astea, el ramane mut, nemiscat.
Ploaia inceteaza. Soarele isi face timid aparitia dintre norii cei grei. El tot acolo sta. De data asta are o expresie de dezamagire pe fata. Ochii sai nu mai sunt atat de cenusii. Acum sunt tristi si parca lipsiti de viata.
Scoate din hanorac un trandafir rosu si il lasa sa cada in apa. El pleaca de acolo trist, cu ochii plini de lacrimi, tarandu-si picioarele printre frunze si noroi.
Un porumbel coboara dintr-un copac si zboara pana la trandafir. Il ia in cioc si pleaca cu el in zbor.
Pe strazile ude vezi doar cateva siluete imbracate in culori inchise, tinand o umbrela si grabindu-se spre casa.
In mijlocul acestor oameni grabiti se afla el. Un baiat inalt, cu parul auriu precum Soarele, cu ochii cenusii si pielea bronzata si stralucitoare. Imbracat doar cu in hanorac visiniu si cu o pereche de blugi negrii, taiati.
Sta singur in ploaie, neclintit, uitandu-se parca dupa cineva. Toti cei care trec grabiti se uita ciudat la el, sau dau peste el din greseala. Dar, cu toate astea, el ramane mut, nemiscat.
Ploaia inceteaza. Soarele isi face timid aparitia dintre norii cei grei. El tot acolo sta. De data asta are o expresie de dezamagire pe fata. Ochii sai nu mai sunt atat de cenusii. Acum sunt tristi si parca lipsiti de viata.
Scoate din hanorac un trandafir rosu si il lasa sa cada in apa. El pleaca de acolo trist, cu ochii plini de lacrimi, tarandu-si picioarele printre frunze si noroi.
Un porumbel coboara dintr-un copac si zboara pana la trandafir. Il ia in cioc si pleaca cu el in zbor.
miercuri, 29 mai 2013
They ask me am I ok. They ask me if I'm happy
Are they asking me that because of the shit that's been thrown at me
Or am I just a little snappy
And they genuinly care
Doody, most of my life it's just been me and you there
And I continuosly stare at pictures of you
I never got to say I love you as much as I wanted to but I do
Yeah I say it now and you can't hear me
What the fuck good does that do me now
But somehow I know you're near me in presence
Or I went and drop some presents off to ease it to them
Two little beautiful boys of yours to try to ease their minds a little
And dawg you'll never believe this
But Sharonda actually talks to me now
Jesus and everyone elese is just tryna pick up the pieces
Man how you touch so many lives and just leave us
They say grievance has a way of affecting everyone different
If it's true how the fuck am I supposed to get over you
Difficult as it sounds
Doody, that's what we call eachother
I don't know where it came from but it just stuck with us
We was always brothers
Never thought about eachothers skin colours
Til one day we was walking up the block in the summer
It was like 90 degrees I was catching a sun burn
Tryna walk under the trees
Just to give me some comfort
I'm moaning I just wanna get home
When I look over in his shirt is off
I'm like you gon fry and like
No I won't, I'm black stupid
Black people they got melatonin
And their skin don't burn
Meanwhile, my face is glowing and I felt
Like I'm on fire
And the entire time you're just laughing at me
And snapping at me with your shirt bastard
And I still have to get you back for that shit
And by the way them playboy rings
My mother stole from you
Well I finally got em back shit
It must have been at least 16 years ago
Well I put em in your casket
Moving past it, it still ain't registered yet
But you can bet you're legacy they'll never forget
The motor city mo-town
Hip hop vet, hip hop shop, dreads
It don't stop there
Yeah, as difficult as it sounds
And this might sound a little strange but I'm a tell it
I found that jacket that you left at my wedding
And I picked it up to smell it
I wrapped it up in plastic until I put it in glass
And hang up in the hallway so I can always look at it
And as for me and Iulian we feel like fuck rap
It feels like our general just fucking died in our lap
We shut off all our pages,
All our cell numbers is changed
Our two-ways are in the trash
So some cats will have to find a new way
And I know the dreams will die with you today
But the truth is there all still here and you ain't
Purple gang, you gotta press on
Don't ever give up the dream dog
I got love for you all
And milka, it's true you bought people together who never
Woulda been in the same room if it wasn't for you
You were the peacemaker doody
I know sometimes you were moody
But you hated confrontation
And truly hated the feuding
But you were down for yours whenever it came to scrapping
If it had to happen, it had to happen
Believe me, I know you're the one who taught me to
Throw them balls back on Dresden
From making cars to paintballing
To getting arrested
To sitting across from eachother in cells laughing and jesting
They tried to hit us for 5 years for that, no question
I guess them hookers and bums that we shot up
Didn't show up for court
So we got off on a technicality, left sweating
Me, you and what's his face
I forgot his fucking name
Shame he even came to your funeral
He betrayed our team
And if I see him again I'm a punch him in the fucking face
And that's on Hallie Jade, Whitney Lane and Alaina's name
I let the pistol bang once just to leak a shot in the air
For you and pour some liquor out for you with Obie in the parking lot of 54
Just before we were supposed to get in cars
To come and see you
It's more difficult as it sounds
Are they asking me that because of the shit that's been thrown at me
Or am I just a little snappy
And they genuinly care
Doody, most of my life it's just been me and you there
And I continuosly stare at pictures of you
I never got to say I love you as much as I wanted to but I do
Yeah I say it now and you can't hear me
What the fuck good does that do me now
But somehow I know you're near me in presence
Or I went and drop some presents off to ease it to them
Two little beautiful boys of yours to try to ease their minds a little
And dawg you'll never believe this
But Sharonda actually talks to me now
Jesus and everyone elese is just tryna pick up the pieces
Man how you touch so many lives and just leave us
They say grievance has a way of affecting everyone different
If it's true how the fuck am I supposed to get over you
Difficult as it sounds
Doody, that's what we call eachother
I don't know where it came from but it just stuck with us
We was always brothers
Never thought about eachothers skin colours
Til one day we was walking up the block in the summer
It was like 90 degrees I was catching a sun burn
Tryna walk under the trees
Just to give me some comfort
I'm moaning I just wanna get home
When I look over in his shirt is off
I'm like you gon fry and like
No I won't, I'm black stupid
Black people they got melatonin
And their skin don't burn
Meanwhile, my face is glowing and I felt
Like I'm on fire
And the entire time you're just laughing at me
And snapping at me with your shirt bastard
And I still have to get you back for that shit
And by the way them playboy rings
My mother stole from you
Well I finally got em back shit
It must have been at least 16 years ago
Well I put em in your casket
Moving past it, it still ain't registered yet
But you can bet you're legacy they'll never forget
The motor city mo-town
Hip hop vet, hip hop shop, dreads
It don't stop there
Yeah, as difficult as it sounds
And this might sound a little strange but I'm a tell it
I found that jacket that you left at my wedding
And I picked it up to smell it
I wrapped it up in plastic until I put it in glass
And hang up in the hallway so I can always look at it
And as for me and Iulian we feel like fuck rap
It feels like our general just fucking died in our lap
We shut off all our pages,
All our cell numbers is changed
Our two-ways are in the trash
So some cats will have to find a new way
And I know the dreams will die with you today
But the truth is there all still here and you ain't
Purple gang, you gotta press on
Don't ever give up the dream dog
I got love for you all
And milka, it's true you bought people together who never
Woulda been in the same room if it wasn't for you
You were the peacemaker doody
I know sometimes you were moody
But you hated confrontation
And truly hated the feuding
But you were down for yours whenever it came to scrapping
If it had to happen, it had to happen
Believe me, I know you're the one who taught me to
Throw them balls back on Dresden
From making cars to paintballing
To getting arrested
To sitting across from eachother in cells laughing and jesting
They tried to hit us for 5 years for that, no question
I guess them hookers and bums that we shot up
Didn't show up for court
So we got off on a technicality, left sweating
Me, you and what's his face
I forgot his fucking name
Shame he even came to your funeral
He betrayed our team
And if I see him again I'm a punch him in the fucking face
And that's on Hallie Jade, Whitney Lane and Alaina's name
I let the pistol bang once just to leak a shot in the air
For you and pour some liquor out for you with Obie in the parking lot of 54
Just before we were supposed to get in cars
To come and see you
It's more difficult as it sounds
luni, 22 aprilie 2013
Adolescenta. Perioada primelor iubiri.
Atunci cand soseste, adolescenta aduce cu ea si primele iubiri dar si melancolia. Cand suntem adolescenti tot ce conteaza e sa avem langa noi o persoana care ne iubeste. Intr-o carte scria "Lupta pentru cel pe care il iubesti.". Adolescenta ne da puterea sa facem acest lucru. Este bine sa nu cedam, sa nu ne dam batuti chiar daca intalnim multe obstacole in calea dulce a adolscentei.
Iubirea e un sentiment pe care multi nu il inteleg. Incepe ca un joc. Un joc teribilist pe care numai noi, adolescentii suntem in stare sa-l traim la capacitatile sale maxime.
Uneori ma gandesc ca trebuie sa pretuim clipele vietii, dar mereu intervin aceleasi doua dorinte: "Imi doresc sa fiu mare!" sau "Imi doresc sa fiu iar copil!". Nu trebuie sa traim cu regrete.
Unele persoane spun ca adolescenta este cea mai frumoasa perioada a vietii, altii considera copilaria, insa fiecare perioada a vietii este frumoasa in felul ei.
Adolescenta este imprevizibila. La fel ca si iubirea. Vine, te izbeste iar apoi te inunda cu fericire.
A fi adolescent inseamna sa iubesti, sa te bucuri de viata, sa faci orice iti doresti deoarece aceste clipe nu mai revin in viata noastra.
Iubirea e un sentiment pe care multi nu il inteleg. Incepe ca un joc. Un joc teribilist pe care numai noi, adolescentii suntem in stare sa-l traim la capacitatile sale maxime.
Uneori ma gandesc ca trebuie sa pretuim clipele vietii, dar mereu intervin aceleasi doua dorinte: "Imi doresc sa fiu mare!" sau "Imi doresc sa fiu iar copil!". Nu trebuie sa traim cu regrete.
Unele persoane spun ca adolescenta este cea mai frumoasa perioada a vietii, altii considera copilaria, insa fiecare perioada a vietii este frumoasa in felul ei.
Adolescenta este imprevizibila. La fel ca si iubirea. Vine, te izbeste iar apoi te inunda cu fericire.
A fi adolescent inseamna sa iubesti, sa te bucuri de viata, sa faci orice iti doresti deoarece aceste clipe nu mai revin in viata noastra.
Nimic, nimic si iar nimic.
Este o dupa-amiaza calduroasa de vara. Pe cand mergeam la trap prin zapada mi-am amintit ca aveam intalnire cu un coleg la un bol de cereale cu lapte intr-o cofetarie. Trecand ingandurata printre dunele de nisip ce se formau incet din fulgii ce nu mai conteneau sa cada era sa dau peste un mic extraterestru ce uitase sa isi puna antenele semnalizatoare. M-am oprit la timp, i-am dat voie sa treaca iar eu am sarit in avionul ce ma astepta cu destinatia Portugalia pentru o bataie buna cu zapada.
Mergeam si plangeam pentru ca tocmai calcasem pe o furnica si asta insemna ghinion total. Dar m-am resemnat si am fugit mai departe pe plaja dorindu-mi o pereche de ghete imblanite care sa imi tina de cald in vara ce se anunta atat de torida.
Ma gandesc sa ajung acasa dar totul este plin de nimic si doar deschid ochii si ma trezesc.
Mergeam si plangeam pentru ca tocmai calcasem pe o furnica si asta insemna ghinion total. Dar m-am resemnat si am fugit mai departe pe plaja dorindu-mi o pereche de ghete imblanite care sa imi tina de cald in vara ce se anunta atat de torida.
Ma gandesc sa ajung acasa dar totul este plin de nimic si doar deschid ochii si ma trezesc.
O lume plina de nimicuri
Traim intr-o lume monotona, plina de nimicuri, in care predomina griul.Acest nimic a pus stapanire peste orice. Oamenii nu mai vorbesc nimic, nu mai simt nimic, nu mai gandesc nimic, nu mai vor nimic, nu le mai pasa de nimic, nu mai viseaza nimic.
Dar, totusi, ce inseamna acest nimic?
Dictionarul ne spune ca ''nimic'' inseamna nulitate, vid, deloc, lipsit de importanta. Insa acest cuvant poate avea si alte intelesuri. De exemplu cand am o stare proasta si cineva ma intreaba ce am patit sau ce am,ii spun ca nu am nimic, dar defapt am multe, sau cand am zis ceva ce nu trebuia iar o persoana intreaba ce am spus ii raspund ca nu am spus nimic.
Folosim atat de des acest cuvant, dar fara sa ii cunoastem intelesul, iar asta a facut ca NIMIC sa devina o defenitie a tot ceea ce ne inconjoara.
Dar, totusi, ce inseamna acest nimic?
Dictionarul ne spune ca ''nimic'' inseamna nulitate, vid, deloc, lipsit de importanta. Insa acest cuvant poate avea si alte intelesuri. De exemplu cand am o stare proasta si cineva ma intreaba ce am patit sau ce am,ii spun ca nu am nimic, dar defapt am multe, sau cand am zis ceva ce nu trebuia iar o persoana intreaba ce am spus ii raspund ca nu am spus nimic.
Folosim atat de des acest cuvant, dar fara sa ii cunoastem intelesul, iar asta a facut ca NIMIC sa devina o defenitie a tot ceea ce ne inconjoara.
marți, 5 martie 2013
Nimic si tu...
Intr-un vis al fericirii
Adesea am crezut
Dar in inseratul serii
Nici prin gand nu mi-a trecut
Nimic nu-nduioseaza,
Nimic destainuit
Doar o lacrima ce curge
Pe obrazul inrosit
Dar visul a ars, s-a stins
A ramas doar o urma de cenusa
Iar din fericire, o amintire
Cu greu mai putand-o uita.
O amintire, in griuri fade
S-un moment de tacere,
In cea din urma noapte
Nimic, doar tu ai plecat...
Nimic nu mai cred. e prea mult
E mult prea greu sa simt,
Acum cand visele sunt spulberate putin cate putin
Iar bratele fricii far' de nume ma cuprind.
Oare mi-e frica?
Intr'un colt intunect al camerei m-am refugiat
Si-n jurnal am inceput sa scriu neincetat
Dar de ce? Adica...oare tu chiar ai uitat
Cand nimeni si nimic nu se putea incumeta
Cand cu caldura tu ma-mbratisai.
Nimic nu putea distruge placerea ce-o raspandeai...
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